What's New 2024-10-23 [Notice]Acceleration of Development Collaboration for Standardization of Automotive Software 2022-05-10 【NOTICE】 MOU conclusion with AUTOSAR, and joining AUTOSAR as attendee 2017-07-25 【Information】 Website Renewal 2014-11-19 [Information] A specification proposed by JASPAR has been adopted for AUTOSAR 2012-12-21 [Information] extension of the availability : Handbook for Automotive Functional Safety [Draft] 2012-12-10 Handbook for ASIC in Automotive Functional Safety [Draft] release information 2012-10-26 Handbook for Automotive Functional Safety [Draft] release information 2010-10-22 ProductDay Automotive Networks and Software Architectures 2010 2010-02-22 2nd AUTOSAR Open Conference 2009-03-30 Proposal from JasPar to be adopted in the next version of FlexRay ™ 2008-12-10 FlexRay Product Days2008 2008-08-20 About the JASPAR lecture by the Automotive Technology International 2008 Forum 2008-02-14 JASPAR will reinforce the cooperation with AUTOSAR 2007-12-11 JASPAR collaborates with following event; 2006-07-20 Automotive Technology Spring IssuePractical Application for FlexRay 2005-11-01 About the announcement with AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY DAYS 2005 Autumn